By Justin Kresse
I joined The Delphian in the fall of 2020 during my freshman year at Adelphi. That year was very difficult: Covid did not help the college experience I had been looking forward to. However, throughout that first year, The Delphian was there for me.

Things were quiet on campus during that year and I hadn’t made many friends yet, so having the paper and the friends and people I met through this organization meant a lot to me.
With the start of sophomore year, things started to get back to normal. Classes were in person and I started to make the friends that I’m still friends with to this day. Through it all, The Delphian was there. We also went back to physical print copies of the paper (the paper had gone virtual on the website through Covid) and it was exciting to learn more about the process of print design. Junior and senior years have gone by entirely too fast, but through it all The Delphian has been one of the major constants in my college experience that I’ve enjoyed being involved in.
As the production editor for the paper, I do most of the design for the papers (though I’ve gotten a lot of assistance from Malika Burieva and Sophia Martuscello in past semesters, and now Gabrielle Jaipersaud as the new production editor). Though this job has been stressful, the help and guidance of the amazing Professor Liza Burby and editors Max Robinson, Nick Rontanini and Lizz Panchyk have made my job immensely easier, and I owe them all a great debt of gratitude. It would truly be an understatement to say that The Delphian is a collaborative organization where everyone is available and happy to help you or share their knowledge.
And I truly appreciate how I’ve been pushed to write articles, from ones on topics that interested me like the wireless service on campus and articles about technology to more journalistic articles on the Creative Works conference or the Fall Arts Festival. As a more introverted individual, having to speak to a variety of people I didn’t know and ask them questions has forced me to improve my communication skills and has helped me grow as an individual.
Going forward, the future is uncertain for me. I’m in the job search process currently which is a lot of fun, and I’m planning to stay in the New York City area because I’ve enjoyed being exposed to the city thanks to Adelphi.
Through it all, though, I’ve truly appreciated how close of a community The Delphian is and I could never have imagined my experience at Adelphi without this newspaper. I urge anyone who may have picked up a copy of this paper and is considering joining The Delphian to go for it because it is a great experience that is well worth your time!