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Public Safety Responds to Reporting by Adding 313.5 More Parking Spaces on Campus

Writer: Delphian NewspaperDelphian Newspaper

By Lizz Panchyk

On February 13, The Delphian published an article titled “Despite Available Spaces Parking Woes Return With the Spring Term” in which the Adelphi community learned that parking has been a huge issue for students this semester. You arrive at 10 am? Sorry, there are no good spots. Then you have to drive over speed bump after speed bump just to park in the most inconvenient space, far from where you are required to be for class.

Not to mention that these spaces over by Post Hall tend to be tight, and people tend to park, let’s say, “not within the lines.” To avoid this, you’d have to park well behind the dorm buildings where the spots are plenty or in either of the two parking garages, but it’s just as inconvenient, as no matter how much room there potentially is, people still do not know how to park.

Public safety took one look at this article and decided it’s time for a change. After all, being a Long Island campus means there are many commuter students coming from all over the place. Who needs to waste time trying to find a parking spot when there’s already traffic for us commuters? After determining that a major part of the lack of adequate parking is that some in the Adelphi community simply don’t know how to park properly, the university has decided to add another 313.5 very specially designed parking spaces for those of us with parking difficulties. These spaces will be extra wide at 11 feet by 21 feet to adapt to those who struggle to park within the lines. There will also be special laser guides to assist you as you park, allowing for faster, more reliable parking. This will be particularly helpful for those who prefer to back into spaces. The half spot is for any motorcycle that needs to be parked somewhere.

These spaces will be added over the summer in between the University Center and Levermore where there will be another entrance added from South Avenue. To accommodate these extra wide spaces, there will also be an extension of parking lot 2 (UC parking) to meet the parking behind Woodruff Hall. This additional and close parking will hopefully help to maintain commuter parking issues by giving students more parking options. And more parking options allows students to park as close or as far as they want, depending on where their class is and whether or not they are late.

Of course this means getting rid of some of the lovely green spaces on campus. But not to worry! Public Safety has a plan for that too as each new parking section will have its very own mini herb gardens. Take some time to smell the oregano as you head to class knowing that your parking job is perfect!

Looking for a parking space takes up a lot of time, so thank you to Public Safety for making this happen. We as a student body look forward to the semester of fall 2023 with more parking and less woes.



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